TIP SHEET: Vix and Kuba Ready to Merge? Also: Czech Vendor Wins in Sweden; Overhaul in Miami; Singapore ABT Update; Masabi Contract Expected

Miami-Dade Transit-phone at terminal
For several industry observers, the naming earlier this month of Kuba CEO Aaron Ross to also lead Vix Technology–replacing former Vix chief David Maitland–looks at lot like the start of an unannounced Vix-Kuba merger. Vix and Kuba are already sister...

Special Report–France: Strong Growth in Open Loop, but Mainly for Occasional Riders; Paris Still Missing in Action

Nearly 50 cities or regions have adopted open-loop payments in France or are scheduled to launch within the next year (see table on this page), with more in the pipeline.  It may be premature, however, to call France an open-loop hotspot like the UK and...

U.S. Federal Agency Opens Procurement Program to Fare Validator Suppliers

Transit fare validator
Transit agencies in the U.S. could be able to buy fare validators through a federal government procurement program administered by the U.S. General Services Administration, as part of an initiative by the California Integrated Travel Project, or Cal-ITP....
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Special Report: Visa’s Marketing Message on Open-Loop Projects–Does It Add Up?

Visa card at metro gate Genoa
Open-loop payments is perhaps the hottest fare-payments technology around today. But getting reliable estimates on just how large the open-loop footprint is has proved to be difficult. [...]

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