Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

The California Integrated Travel Project, or Cal-ITP, was created by officials to help the state’s nearly 300 local transit agencies buy the core technology they need to launch open-loop payments. Cal-ITP head Gillian Gillett talks to Mobility Payments about the promise the state’s open-loop payments initiative holds and the challenges it faces.

Key Data:

Cal-ITP backers need to accommodate the nearly 30% of state residents who are classified as either underbanked or unbanked–a percentage that skews even higher among transit agency customers.

Organizations Mentioned:

Metro (Los Angeles)
• LADOT (Los Angeles)
• Monterey-Salinas Transit

Gillian Gillett, manager for the California Integrated Mobility program in the state Department of Transportation, once observed that 97% of Californians never even think about using public transit. “I mean, if we were a business, we would be out of business,” she sighed.

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