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Account-based ticketing offers opportunities but also poses challenges for transport agencies, according to agency representatives who have rolled out the technology or are in the process of doing so. Those challenges can be costly, and open-loop payments is not a given.
“Despite the success of contactless in London, they’ve still got very high usage of the Oyster card. Similarly, Singapore has decided to hold onto its EZ-Link card. And a lot of eyes now are focused on the Netherlands to see how their planned withdrawal of their OV-chip card goes.”
• NTA (Ireland)
• City Group (Kuwait)
• NEORide
• TfW (Wales)
• Indra
• Masabi
Account-based ticketing offers big potential for transit agencies, but also poses challenges, a panel of representatives from agencies in Europe, the Middle East and North America that have rolled out the technology or are in the process of doing so said during a recent panel discussion.
Those challenges can include the need to maintain both the new and old ticketing systems for a “considerable” length of time; the lack of off-the-shelf software