Article Highlights
Boston’s MBTA has negotiated its 2.0 fare-system contract three times and appears to finally be getting the project rolling. What had gone wrong? The original contract structure and complex funding mechanism may be among the reasons.
• Chart: Three iterations of a fare contract–budgets and full rollout dates
• Presentation: MBTA board meeting, May 2024
• Presentation: MBTA board meeting, April 2020
• MBTA (Boston)
• MTA (New York)
• CTA (Chicago)
• Cubic
• Conduent
• Scheidt & Bachmann
When Phil Eng arrived in Boston to take over as general manager of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority in April 2023, he assumed control of a transit system beset with crumbling infrastructure, labor shortages, budget shortfalls and safety problems.
He also inherited a fare-system project that had seen years of delays and a budget that had ballooned to nearly a billion dollars.