Article Highlights
Estonia-based Ridango has appealed the award of a fare-system project to Mikroelektronika of the Czech Republic in Sweden’s No. 2 city, Gothenburg. Incumbent vendor Vix Technology declined to appeal. The protest could delay the start of the project.
• Document: Ridango appeal to tender award
• Table: Ranking and bids for Västtrafik project
• Västtrafik (Gothenburg)
• Mikroelektronika
• Ridango
• Vix Technology
A contract award to Czech Republic-based vendor Mikroelektronika for a new fare system in Sweden’s second-largest city, Gothenburg, is on hold as officials handle an appeal from the vendor that came in second in the bidding, Estonia-based Ridango, Mobility Payments has learned.
Meanwhile, Vix Technology, the nearly 20-year incumbent for the transport authority, Västtrafik, has