Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Peter Torrellas this week officially took over as president of Cubic Transportation Systems, the largest fare-system supplier globally, but one that is facing major challenges in the market. Torrellas replaces Jeffrey Lowinger, who retired after a sometimes bumpy ride at the helm of Cubic’s transportation division.

Key Data:

These departures were in addition to the layoffs of more than 200 employees in the company, as part of a reorganization, which Lowinger oversaw before he left, Mobility Payments has learned.

Organizations Mentioned:

TfL (London)
MTA (New York)
MARTA (Atlanta)
MBTA (Boston)
SEPTA (Philadelphia)
TfNSW (Sydney)
Metrolinx (Toronto)

Peter Torrellas this week officially took over as president of Cubic Transportation Systems, the largest fare-system supplier globally, but one that is facing major challenges in the market.

Torrellas replaces Jeffrey Lowinger, whose more than three-year tenure as head of Cubic Corp.’s transportation division was marked by the acquisition of the company by private equity, employee

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