Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

San Francisco Bay Area transit officials are standing by their estimate for a launch of open-loop payments in 2024, as part of their account-based ticketing rollout, featuring a next-generation closed-loop Clipper card.

Key Data:

Use of closed-loop Clipper has reached around 90% of prepandemic levels in 2019, with customers tapping more than 1.1 million unique Clipper cards last month.

Organizations Mentioned:

MTC (San Francisco)
• BART (San Francisco)
• Muni (San Francisco)
• Fiserv
• Paragon ID

San Francisco Bay Area transit officials are standing by their estimate for a launch of open-loop payments in 2024, as part of their account-based ticketing rollout, featuring a next-generation closed-loop Clipper card.

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