Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Cubic Corp., the largest supplier of fare-collection systems globally, has hired a new top executive for its Transportation Systems division, appointing an executive from U.S.-based defense and infrastructure technology company Parsons Corp. The new division chief will replace Jeffrey Lowinger, whose more than three-year tenure was marked by morale problems and some missed opportunities.

Key Data:

Most observers considered the winning proposal by rival U.S.-based fare-system supplier Conduent to have been inferior to Cubic’s. But Conduent won the 15-year, AU$1.7 billion (US$1.1 billion) deal.

Organizations Mentioned:

Transport for London
MTA (New York)
Transport for NSW

Cubic Corp., the largest supplier of fare-collection systems globally, has hired a new top executive for its Transportation Systems division, appointing an executive from U.S.-based defense and infrastructure technology company Parsons Corp.

Cubic named Peter Torrellas, president of the connected communities business unit at Parsons, as Cubic’s private equity owners prepare

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