Article Highlights
Cubic is revamping its SaaS unit by introducing an open-loop overlay product and changing its pricing strategy for Umo ticketing.
• Table: Cubic’s new lump-sum pricing on Umo contract with CapMetro
• Document: Unredacted pricing for Cubic’s contract with CapMetro in Austin, July 2024
• Cubic
• WMATA (Wash., D.C.)
• Littlepay
• CapMetro (Austin, TX)
• BC Transit
• ATM (Milan)
• ATM (Barcelona)
• MCTS (Milwaukee, WI)
Cubic Transportation Systems plans to launch its “open-payment overlay” product within 90 days, seeking to give transit agencies the potential to launch open-loop payments with low upfront costs, like the Washington (D.C.) Metropolitan Area Transit Authority is doing with another vendor, Mobility Payments has learned.
Cubic has also introduced lump-sum pricing for new Umo ticketing contracts, deeming the old pricing strategy unsustainable.