Article Highlights
A Los Angeles County superior court judge ruled in favor of Cubic’s efforts to block release of information it argued is a “trade secret” in its lawsuit against LA Metro. The big transit agency mounted no defense in the case, which was adjudicated in less than a month.
• Document: Ruling, Cubic v. LA Metro, Feb. 27, 2025
• Document: Cubic pricing fee sched., Metro Transit (Minn.), March 2024
• LA Metro (Los Angeles)
• Cubic
• Metro Transit (Minneapolis)
A Los Angeles County superior court judge has ruled in favor of Cubic Transportation Systems in its lawsuit against the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Cubic has mainly sought to block the release of pricing data related to its $66.4 million sole-source contract upgrade approved by the transit last year.
LA Metro mounted no defense in the lawsuit. It did not file a response to Cubic’s Jan. 28 petition or oppose Cubic’s motions for a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction. Judge James Chalfant ruled in favor of both motions, including the preliminary injunction on Feb. 27 and designated this as a final judgment. This wrapped up the entire case in a little less than a month.