Article Highlights
Cubic Contract Award Back on Agenda for SEPTA Board Meeting in Philadelphia; also: Cubic Executive Overseeing New York Project Leaves Company; French SaaS Ticketing Provider Matawan Shops for Buyers
• Document: Agenda, SEPTA Board Meeting for Jan. 23
• SEPTA (Philadelphia)
• Cubic
• Conduent
• MTA (New York)
• MBTA (Boston)
• Matawan
The proposed award of a $211 million fare-system contract for Cubic Transportation Systems is back on the agenda for a board meeting of Philadelphia transit agency SEPTA scheduled for next week, where the award is expected to gain approval.
As Mobility Payments reported last month, SEPTA had abruptly pulled a similar agenda item a few days before the board’s regular December meeting, with an agency spokesman telling Mobility Payments only that “discussions about the proposal will continue between board members and SEPTA staff.”