Article Highlights
U.S. transit agency CapMetro released its cost analysis and independent cost estimate for the emergency replacement of its fare system. The analysis concluded that a new system from Cubic would be cheaper than the market but offers little detail about how it arrived at its estimate.
• Document: CapMetro cost analysis, July 2024
• CapMetro (Austin, Texas)
• Cubic
• Siemens Mobility/Bytemark
Texas transit agency Capital Metro stated in an “independent cost estimate” that the emergency fare-system replacement it is buying from Cubic Transportation Systems would cost it less than a similar system the agency could procure on the market. It does not, however, say how it arrived at the estimate for the higher-priced fare system.
An eight-page cost analysis and independent cost estimate (download below), obtained by Mobility Payments, stated that Cubic could replace CapMetro’s existing fare system for a total $5.78 million for