Article Highlights
An administrative court upended the expected fare-system contract award to price-slashing vendor Czech Republic-based Mikroelektronika in Sweden’s No. 2 city. Mikroelektronika might be appealing that ruling.
• Document: Ruling by administrative court in Jönköping, Sweden, July 9
• Table: Original bids to Gothenburg fare-system RFP
• Västtrafik (Gothenburg)
• Mikroelektronika
• Ridango
• Vix Technology
• Flowbird
There may be a counter-appeal to a ruling last month by an administrative court in Sweden that nullified Czech Republic-based vendor Mikroelektronika’s expected award of a new fare system contract in Sweden’s No. 2 city, Gothenburg.
Mikroelektronika has likely filed the new appeal, disputing the Swedish court ruling July 9 that stripped