Article Highlights
LA Metro has hired Cubic Transportation Systems to implement open-loop payments and account-based ticketing. The vendor faces tight deadlines to roll out the technology. And Metro staffers got some pushback from key board members on the proposed sole-source contract for Cubic.
• Document: FAQ on open loop and account-based ticketing–LA Metro
• Metro (Los Angeles)
• Cubic
• MTA (New York)
• MBTA (Boston)
• MTC (San Francisco)
• WMATA (Washington, D.C.)
With approval of a $66.4 million contract upgrade by the LA Metro board, Cubic Transportation Systems now faces a tight deadline to implement open-loop payments for Metro and 26 smaller transit agencies serving Los Angeles County.
The contract approval late last week was expected, but unlike recent decisions by transit boards in Minneapolis, Boston and New York–which largely rubber-stamped