Article Highlights
As more U.S. transit agencies, like RTC of Southern Nevada, adopt open-loop payments, they may not be fully aware of how much in transaction fees they will pay, say observers.
• Document: Amendment to Masabi contract showing transaction fee estimates, Dec. 2023
• Document: Monthly remittance showing revenue and fees through Masabi platform, March 2024
• Chart: Open-loop revenue as share of all SaaS platform revenue
• Table: Per-transaction fees, including interchange
• RTCSNV (Las Vegas)
• Masabi
• TfL (London)
• Visa
• Cybersource
• Worldpay
• InComm Payments
The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada collects cash for well over half the rides it delivers on its 400 buses that ply the Las Vegas Strip and other parts of its service area of more than two million people.
RTC knows it will never eliminate cash on board its fleet, with many of its more than 50 million annual