Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Toronto transit agency Metrolinx Thursday launched acceptance of open-loop credit payments on its commuter service GO Transit, along with three suburban bus operators, while upgrading its UP Express airport rail line from a pilot to a full open-loop launch. Most of the new services support lesser-used contactless credit, not Interac Flash debit.

Key Data:

Neither TransLink nor STL in Laval promotes open loop over their respective closed-loop cards. And, so far, open loop makes up fewer than 2% of total trips for each agency.

Organizations Mentioned:

TTC (Toronto)
• GO Transit
• UP Express
TransLink (Vancouver)
STL (Laval)

Toronto transit agency Metrolinx Thursday launched acceptance of open-loop credit payments on its commuter service GO Transit, along with three suburban bus operators, while upgrading its UP Express airport rail line from a pilot to a full open-loop launch.

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