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Los Angeles transit officials are targeting the end of the year to launch a “mobility wallet,” offering subsidized fares for low-income riders–including 1,000 users of open-loop payments. The trial is part of a larger program to expand transportation options for low-income city residents. That also includes subsidizing payments with closed-loop cards.
While 1,000 of the riders participating in the pilot will use open-loop cards, the other 1,000 will use LA Metro’s closed-loop TAP card. Metro, along with LADOT, will also be subsidizing and apparently recruiting at least part of the total 2,000 users of the trial.
Los Angeles transit officials are targeting the end of the year to launch a “mobility wallet,” offering subsidized fares for low-income riders–including 1,000 users of open-loop payments–a spokesman for one of the agencies involved told Mobility Payments.