Article Highlights

Key Takeaway:

Check-in, Be-out systems are gaining in popularity among some transit agencies, which want the flexibility that BLE or other location-based technologies offer for fare collection. Implementers say they are able to deter the inevitable fraud attempts in various ways.

Key Data:

Germany’s first “check in, be out,” or CiBo, fare collections system launched in the smaller city of Osnabrück in October 2020, when Stadtwerke Osnabrück AG, the city’s public transit agency, launched its YANiQ mobile application with vendor eos.uptrade. There have been a few other launches of CiBo , such as the Anda mobile app, in Porto, Portugal’s second-largest city.

Organizations Mentioned:

• Scheidt and Bachmann

The city of Hamburg, Germany, will launch a Bluetooth Low Energy-based “check in, be out” fare collection system on its buses and trains later this year.

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